
Optimizing data permutations for SIMD devices




The 2006 ACM Conference on Programming Language Design andImplementation (PLDI 2006) was held June 10-16, 2006 in Ottawa,Canada. PLDI 2006 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group onProgramming Languages (SIGPLAN), in cooperation with the ACMSpecial Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT). PLDI is apremier forum for researchers, developers, practitioners, andstudents to present research on programming language design andimplementation.>First and foremost, we would like to thank the authors ofsubmitted papers: without high quality input there is no highquality output. We thank the program committee for their commitmentto reading, reviewing the submitted papers, selecting the programand providing detailed reviews. Thanks also to the 283 PLDIsubreviewers for their input to the reviewing process. Thanks toJeff Foster of the University of Maryland for organizing the PLDItutorials. The EasyChair system was used to manage conferencesubmissions and reviews. Thanks to Andrei Voronkov for providingand supporting EasyChair.>The selection of program committee (PC) members followed thestandard SIGPLAN guidelines, to achieve a balance across factorssuch as research sub-disciplines, seniority, gender, geographiclocation, academia/industry, etc. Submission of papers by PCmembers was not allowed. Out of 24 invitations to serve on the PCsent out, 19 were accepted. Only one invitee declined because ofthe no-PC-submission rule.>This year saw a record 174 unique submissions to PLDI (comparedto the last eleven years of PLDI). After a number of papers werewithdrawn (for a variety of reasons), the PC was left with 169papers to review. Each paper received three reviews from the PC,which gave each PC member about 26 papers to review. This was quitea heavy load but the committee performed admirably. In addition, afourth expert outside review was solicited for nearly every paper.A few papers received five reviews.>PC members declared conflicts of interest in reviewing papersfollowing the ACM guidelines, presented to the PC as follows:i"Each member of the Program Committee will be responsiblefor strictly abiding by the rules on conflicts of interest. You areconsidered to have a conflict of interest on a paper that has anauthor or co-author in any of the following categories: (1)yourself, (2) your past and current graduate students, (3) yourgraduate advisors, (4) members of your research group within thelast 5 years, (5) a co-author of a paper submitted for publicationwithin the last 5 years, (6) an employee of your immediateorganization (academic department, research lab unit, etc.) withinthe last 5 years, (7) someone with whom you have had a significantfunding or financial relationship within the last 5 years, or (8) amember of your family, or (9) someone whose work, for whateverreason, you cannot evaluate objectively."/i>Papers were graded on a six point scale: 3 (strong accept), 2(accept), 1 (weak accept), -1 (weak reject), -2 (reject), -3(strong reject). No zero score (fence sitting) was permitted.Additionally, reviewers provided a confidence score for each paper.Papers that received no positive evaluation score wereadministratively rejected before the PC meeting.>The PC meeting took place in Charleston, South Carolina onJanuary 14-15, 2006 (after POPL 2006). We first discussed the top60 papers (in decreasing order of average score). During themeeting, reviewers could propose other papers for discussion. Weended up discussing about 90-100 papers in total at the meeting.Each of the discussed papers was assigned a "champion" whogenerally had the top score for that paper. The champion summarizedthe paper's contribution as well as the pros and cons of the paper.The discussion then was opened up to the other reviewers of thepaper and to general questions from the rest of the PC. Paperscores were not returned to the authors with the reviews.>We accepted 36 papers, which is a record number of papers for aPLDI program. This reflected the fact that we had a very large poolof quality submissions to choose from, but it is worth saying a fewmore words about this change.>As PLDI matures, we find it diversifying. In addition to thetraditional compiler optimization papers (which did make up thelargest category of submissions), we find papers submitted ontopics varying from program verification and defect detection torun-time techniques for memory optimization and new programminglanguages for concurrency. We believe that PLDI benefits fromhaving a diverse portfolio, which a higher acceptance rateenables.>The second point is that by accepting more papers, we increaseour chances of finding a "diamond in the rough". If we were toaccept only "flawless" papers then we would end up with a programconsisting mainly of incremental results in well-established areas.This doesn't help to move our field forward in a significantmanner. To grow, PLDI must take some risks. This means we mayaccept some "slightly flawed" but promising papers in order toexpose hidden jewels and to encourage thinking in new directions.Of course, we seek to achieve a high quality technical program.However, "high quality" does not mean "homogeneous".>Because of pre-existing scheduling constraints, the 36 researchtalks had to fit in two and one-half days, so we shortened talks to20 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion (from the usual 25 minutesplus 5 minutes for discussion). Future organizers of PLDI mightwant to plan for a three-day technical track.
机译:2006年ACM编程语言设计与实现会议(PLDI 2006)于2006年6月10日至16日在加拿大渥太华举行。 PLDI 2006由ACM编程语言特别兴趣小组(SIGPLAN)与ACM软件工程特别兴趣小组(SIGSOFT)共同赞助。 PLDI是研究人员,开发人员,从业人员和学生进行编程语言设计和实现研究的首选论坛。

首先,我们要感谢提交论文的作者:没有高质量的论文就没有高质量的论文。输出。感谢程序委员会对阅读,审阅提交的论文,选择程序并提供详细评论的承诺。也感谢283位PLDIsubreviewers对审核过程的投入。感谢马里兰大学的杰夫·福斯特(Jeff Foster)组织了PLDItutorials。 EasyChair系统用于管理会议提交和评论。感谢安德烈·沃龙科夫(Andrei Voronkov)提供和支持EasyChair。



PC成员表示,按照ACM指南评审论文存在利益冲突,提交给PC的情况如下:“程序委员会的每个成员均应严格遵守有关利益冲突的规则。您被认为在以下任何类别的作者或合著者的论文上存在利益冲突:(1)您自己,(2)您过去和现在的研究生,(3)您的研究生顾问,(4)您最近5年内的研究小组成员,(5)最近5年内提交发表的论文的合著者,(6 )最近5年内您直属组织(学术部门,研究实验室部门等)的雇员,(7)最近5年内与您有重大资金或财务关系的人,或(8)您的家庭成员,或(9)从事工作的人ateverreason,您无法客观地进行评估。“

论文的评分分为6分:3(强接受),2(接受),1(弱接受),-1(弱拒绝) ),-2(拒绝),-3(强烈拒绝)。不允许零分(围墙开会)。此外,审稿人还为每篇论文提供了置信度得分。在PC会议之前,未获得积极评分的论文被行政拒绝。

PC会议在查尔斯顿举行,南卡罗来纳州,2006年1月14日至15日(在POPL 2006之后)。我们首先讨论了前60篇论文(按平均分数的降序排列)。在会议期间,审稿人可以提出其他论文进行讨论。在会议上,我们讨论了总共90到100篇论文。每个讨论过的论文都被分配以“冠军”的身分,该人通常在该论文中得分最高。冠军总结了论文的贡献以及论文的利弊,然后对论文的其他审稿人以及PC其余部分的一般性问题进行了讨论。




由于预先存在的日程安排限制,这36个研究会谈必须在两天半的时间内完成,因此我们将讨论会期从20分钟加5分钟缩短到20分钟加5分钟(原为25分钟加5分钟)讨论)。 PLDI的未来组织者可能希望计划进行为期三天的技术跟踪。



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