首页> 外文会议>Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing vol.2 >A New Min-Cut Problem with Application to Electric Power Network Partitioning

A New Min-Cut Problem with Application to Electric Power Network Partitioning




The problem of partitioning a graph into two or more subgraphs that satisfies certain conditions is encountered in many different domains. Accordingly, graph partitioning problem has been studied extensively in the last fifty years. The most celebrated result among this class of problems is the max flow = min cut theorem due to Ford and Fulkerson. Utilizing the modifications suggested by Edmonds and Karp, it is well known that the minimum capacity cut in the directed graph with edge weights can be computed in polynomial time. If the partition divides the node set V into subsets V_1 and V_2, where V_1 contains one of the specified nodes s and V_2 contains the other specified node t, the capacity of a cut is denned as the sum of the edge weights going from V_1 to V_2 In this paper, we consider a graph partition problem which is encountered in electric power distribution networks. In this environment, the capacity of a cut is defined as the absolute value of the difference of the edge weights going from V_1 to V_2 and V_2 to V_1. Surprisingly, with slight change of the definition of the capacity of a cut, the computational complexity of the problem changes significantly. In this paper we show that with the new definition of the capacity of a cut, the minimum cut computation problem becomes NP-complete. We provide an optimal solution to the problem using mathematical programming techniques. In addition, we also provide a heuristic solution and compare the performance of the optimal solution with the heuristic solution. We also consider a few other closely related problems.
机译:在许多不同的领域中遇到将图分成满足特定条件的两个或多个子图的问题。因此,在最近的五十年中,对图形划分问题进行了广泛的研究。在此类问题中,最著名的结果是最大流量=最小割定理,这是由福特和富尔克森造成的。利用Edmonds和Karp提出的修改,众所周知,有向权图中带有边缘权重的最小容量削减可以在多项式时间内计算出来。如果分区将节点集V划分为子集V_1和V_2,其中V_1包含指定的节点s之一,而V_2包含另一个指定的节点t,则切割的能力被定义为从V_1到V_1的边权重之和。 V_2在本文中,我们考虑配电网中遇到的图划分问题。在这种环境下,切割的能力定义为从V_1到V_2和V_2到V_1的边缘权重之差的绝对值。出人意料的是,随着切割能力定义的微小变化,问题的计算复杂度发生了显着变化。在本文中,我们表明,随着对切割能力的新定义,最小切割计算问题变成了NP完全的。我们使用数学编程技术为问题提供了最佳解决方案。此外,我们还提供了启发式解决方案,并将最佳解决方案的性能与启发式解决方案进行了比较。我们还考虑其他一些密切相关的问题。



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