
Hydrogen Storage in Nanosize Diamond Powder-Surface Modified by NaF




Hydrogen based fuel cells in automobiles may offerthe vital solution to the world’s socio-politicaldependence on oil. However a safe and efficient on-boardhydrogen storage system is necessary forcommercialization of fuel cell based automobiles. Storingof hydrogen in solid adsorbents is one of the options foron-board storage. According to the US Department ofEnergy an adsorbent should have hydrogen storagecapacity of 6.5 wt% for commercial applications. Severalresearchers have reported that carbon based adsorbents,particularly carbon nanotubes, carbon fibers, single wallnanotubes, are most promising for achieving the USDepartment of Energy’s targeted capacity for hydrogenstorage. A wide range of adsorption capacity for hydrogenreported on these adsorbents. However, Schimmel etal.[1] concluded that hydrogen storage capacity of carbonbased materials including carbon nanotubes, nanofibers,and single wall carbon nanotubes depended on the surfacearea of the individual materials and the maximum storagecapacity was found to be 2% only at low temperatures.The preliminary work by Ghosh, Prelas and their coworkerswith diamond plates and nanophase diamondpowder showed promise for storing hydrogen onnanophase diamond [2-4]. They also noted that thestorage capacity may be enhanced if the diamond surfaceis charged. The objective of this work was to treat thediamond surface with a fluorine compound. Fluorine canterminate the bonds on the diamond surface to attracthydrogen and keep it weakly bound to the surface.
机译:汽车中基于氢的燃料电池可以提供 世界社会政治的重要解决方案 依赖油。但是安全有效的车载 储氢系统是必要的 燃料电池汽车的商业化。储存 固体吸附剂中的氢是其中一种选择 板载存储。根据美国部门的说法 能量吸附剂应具有储氢 商业应用的容量为6.5重量%。一些 研究人员报道了碳基吸附剂, 特别是碳纳米管,碳纤维,单壁 Nanotubes,最有希望实现美国 能源部的氢气有限公司 贮存。氢气的广泛吸附能力 在这些吸附剂上报道。然而,斯希姆梅尔et al。[1]结论是碳的储氢容量 基于碳纳米管,纳米纤维的基础材料, 和单壁碳纳米管依赖于表面 各种材料的区域和最大存储空间 在低温下发现容量仅为2%。 Ghosh,Prelas及其同事的初步工作 钻石板和纳米钻石 粉末显示出储存氢的承诺 纳米钻石[2-4]。他们还指出了 如果菱形表面可以增强存储容量 被指控。这项工作的目标是对待 金刚石表面用氟化合物。氟罐 终止钻石表面上的粘合以吸引 氢气并保持弱到表面。



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