首页> 外文会议>IEE Seminar on Signal Processing Solutions for Homeland Security, 2005 >N-wave soliton solution on a generic background for KPI equation

N-wave soliton solution on a generic background for KPI equation




We try to generalize the inverse scattering transform (IST) forthe Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KPI) equation to the case of potentials with“ray” type behavior, that is non-decaying along a finitenumber of directions in the plane. We present here the special butrather wide subclass of such potentials obtained by applying recursivelyN binary Backlund transformations to a decaying potential. We start witha regular rapidly decaying potential for which all elements of thedirect and inverse problem are given. We introduce an exact recursionprocedure for an arbitrary number of binary Backlund transformations andcorresponding Darboux transformations for Jost solutions and solutionsof the discrete spectrum. We show that Jost solutions obey modifiedintegral equations and present their analytical properties. We formulateconditions of reality and regularity of the potentials constructed bythese means and derive spectral data of the transformed Jost solutions.Finally we solve the recursion procedure getting a solution whichdescribes N solitons superimposed to a generic background
机译:我们尝试将逆散射变换(IST)归纳为 Kadomtsev-Petviashvili(KPI)方程对具有 “射线”型行为,即沿有限量不衰减 平面上的方向数。我们在这里介绍特殊但 通过递归应用获得的此类潜力的相当广泛的子类 N个二元Backlund变换到一个衰减电位。我们从 有规律的快速衰减的势能,其所有元素 给出了正反问题。我们介绍一个精确的递归 任意数量的二进制Backlund变换的过程,以及 Jost解决方案和解决方案的对应Darboux转换 离散光谱我们证明Jost解决方案服从修改 积分方程,并提出其解析性质。我们制定 现实的条件和由其构成的潜力的规律性 这些方法并获得转换后的Jost解的光谱数据。 最后,我们解决了递归过程,得到了一个解决方案 描述叠加在一般背景下的N个孤子



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