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Recruiting and retaining a culturally diverse [1] workforce had been identified as a critical problem in technology, for academic, corporate and government organizations. The causes and effects of cultural homogeneity are being documented and becoming better understood, but successful solutions are still hard to find, implement, and measure. In his testimony before the Congressional Blue Ribbon Panel, "Building Engineering and Science Talent", Richard Tapia notes that "A non-supportive environment drives away women and minorities from science, engineering, mathematics at good universities. They migrate towards other majors." [2] Is it possible to "lure" women and minorities back into technical disciplines.A novel approach to this question may be to seek an alternate sense of workplace diversity, namely, intellectual diversity. Recruiting in research tends to focus on certain closely-related fields. If viable candidates can be recruited from non-traditional fields, will this intellectual diversity(i.e. diversity of academic interests) increase cultural diversity?.
机译:对于学术,公司和政府组织来说,招聘和保留具有文化多样性的劳动力[1]被认为是技术上的关键问题。文献记载了文化同质化的原因和影响,并已对其进行了更好的理解,但成功的解决方案仍然很难找到,实施和衡量。理查德·塔皮亚(Richard Tapia)在国会“最高荣誉”小组的致词“建筑工程和科学人才”中的证词中指出:“非支持性的环境使妇女和少数族裔脱离了优秀大学的科学,工程和数学专业,她们迁移到了其他专业。” [2]是否有可能将妇女和少数群体“引诱”回技术学科。解决这个问题的新颖方法可能是寻求替代的工作场所多样性意识,即知识多样性。招聘研究往往集中在某些紧密相关的领域。如果可以从非传统领域招募可行的候选人,这种智力上的多样性(即学术兴趣的多样性)会增加文化的多样性吗?



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