




The philosophic basis for regulating Dangerous Goods can broadly be stated as: 'Many chemicals andsubstances can be dangerous under certain conditions and in certain quantities if not handled ortreated properly' This then leads to the prescribing of a list of dangerous chemicals or substancescalled 'Dangerous Goods', and the setting of regulations pertaining to (amongst other things) theirtransport, as set out in the UN Orange Book. For Radioactive Material, the basic philosophyunderlying their regulation can broadly be set out as 'All Radioactive Materials are dangerous andsubject to regulation, unless specifically exempt' . This then leads to the prescribing of a list of exemptquantities of radioactive material or products containing radioactive material. The IAEA ModelRegulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (TS-R-1) sets the requirements for the safetransport of all radioactive material, based on this philosophy.Radioactive Material is a subset of Dangerous Goods (Class 7) and to overcome this philosophicaldifference the UN Orange Book has to date referenced TS-R-1when referring to the transport of Class7 material. While this is a convenient quick fix for the policy makers, at the operational level it causesdifficulties. A case study of the consequences of the placarding requirements for shippers ofDangerous Goods compared to the placarding requirements for shippers of Radioactive Material,demonstrate the poor fit of these two philosophies. The resulting confusion at the operational levelfrom these different philosophic bases could help explain the increase in the 'Denial of Shipment'reports being received concerning the transport of radioactive material.
机译:调节危险物品的哲学基础可以广泛地说明:“许多化学品和 物质在某些条件下可能是危险的,如果没有处理或者 妥善处理过的“这将导致规定危险化学品或物质的列表 被称为“危险品”,以及与(在其他方面)的规定的制定 运输,如联合国橙色书籍所示。用于放射性物质,基本哲学 他们的监管可以广泛地被列为'所有放射性物质是危险的 须经规定,除非特别豁免,否则。然后,这导致规定豁免清单 放射性物质或含有放射性物质的产品的量。原子能机构模型 放射性物质安全运输(TS-R-1)的规定设定了安全的要求 基于这种哲学的所有放射性物质运输。 放射性物质是危险品(7级)的一部分,并克服这种哲学 差异,联合国橙皮书必须在提及课堂运输时引用TS-R-1 7材料。虽然这是一项方便的快速修复政策制定者,但在运营级别 困难。托运人招标要求后果的案例研究 危险货物与放射性物质托运人的译员要求相比, 展示这两个哲学的差。由此产生的困惑在运营层面 从这些不同的哲学基础可以帮助解释“拒绝发货”的增加 关于放射性物质的运输,收到报告。



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