首页> 外文会议>Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, 2004. EDOC 2004. Proceedings. Eighth IEEE International >Integrated quality of service (QoS) management in service-oriented enterprise architectures

Integrated quality of service (QoS) management in service-oriented enterprise architectures




One of the significant challenges for making service-oriented architectures (SOA) effective for enterprise systems is quality of service (QoS) management because of the dynamic, flexible, and compositional nature of SOA. QoS management must be integrated into service-oriented enterprise architectures. It must support a set of common QoS characteristics and provide comprehensive QoS services end to end, from application, to middleware, and to network and from source hosts to destination hosts across a network. We describe such an integrated QoS management architecture and its services. We classify QoS characteristics into four categories and each of which is decomposed into a set of measurable attributes. We integrate these characteristics into an XML-based language for applications and QoS providers to express QoS requirements and contracts. We model an integrated QoS management architecture based on standard specifications from organizations like ISO and OMG. We implement a comprehensive set of QoS management services with innovation resource management techniques and adaptation mechanisms. We provide test data to validate our architecture and solution first in a publish/subscribe style of enterprise SOA. In comparison with other work in QoS management, our architecture and solution provide innovative techniques, extensions, and generalizations beyond traditional task-oriented QoS management in object-oriented middleware and domain specific applications.
机译:要使面向服务的体系结构(SOA)对企业系统有效,面临的重大挑战之一就是服务质量(QoS)管理,因为SOA具有动态,灵活和组合的特性。 QoS管理必须集成到面向服务的企业体系结构中。它必须支持一组通用QoS特性,并提供端到端的全面QoS服务,从应用程序到中间件,再到网络,再从网络上的源主机到目标主机。我们描述了这样一个集成的QoS管理体系结构及其服务。我们将QoS特征分为四类,每一类都分解为一组可测量的属性。我们将这些特征集成到基于XML的语言中,以供应用程序和QoS提供程序使用,以表达QoS要求和合同。我们基于来自ISO和OMG等组织的标准规范对集成的QoS管理架构进行建模。我们通过创新资源管理技术和适应机制来实施一套全面的QoS管理服务。我们以企业SOA的发布/订阅方式提供测试数据,以首先验证我们的体系结构和解决方案。与QoS管理中的其他工作相比,我们的体系结构和解决方案在面向对象的中间件和特定于域的应用程序中提供了超越传统的面向任务QoS管理的创新技术,扩展和概括。



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