首页> 外文会议>Second International Conference on Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization, 2004. Proceedings, 2004 >Arterial pressure control during non-hypo/hypertensive changes incentral venous volume: assessment with multivariate autoregressivemodeling

Arterial pressure control during non-hypo/hypertensive changes incentral venous volume: assessment with multivariate autoregressivemodeling




To evaluate how small decreases and increases of central volumeinfluence heart rate and arterial pressure control multivariateautoregressive techniques were used to quantify the interactions betweenrespiration, RR interval and arterial blood pressure during randominterval breathing, at 3 low levels of lower body negative pressure and3 low levels of increased central volume. In addition to the classicspectral parameters for each signal, the algorithms were used to derivethe closed-loop feedforward and feedback gains for the baroreflex andthe effects of respiration on RR interval. With reductions of centralvolume below control, baroreflex and respiratory sinus arrhythmia gainswere generally reduced, while with increases of volume above control,they increased only for the first two levels, and decreased at thehighest volume. These findings indicate that reflex heart rate controlis maximum with mild hypervolemia, and are consistent with the presenceof the Bainbridge reflex in healthy humans
机译:评估中心音量的减少和增加量 影响心率和动脉压控制多元 自回归技术用于量化之间的相互作用 随机呼吸,RR间隔和动脉血压 间隔呼吸,下半身负压低至3 3低水平的增加中央音量。除了经典 每个信号的频谱参数,使用算法推导 压力反射的闭环前馈和反馈增益 呼吸对RR间隔的影响。随着中央的减少 音量低于控制,压力反射和呼吸道窦性心律失常增加 通常会减少,而随着音量的增加超出控制范围, 它们仅在前两个级别有所增加,而在前两个级别有所下降 最高音量。这些发现表明反射性心率控制 在轻度高血容量时最大,并且与存在 康氏桥对健康人类的影响



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