
Architecture of e-commerce site




This work presents Microsoft commerce server 2000 (CSK2000) with other products such as Biztalk server 2000 (BTK2000), Microsoft SQL 2000 (SQL2000) used for making complex e-commerce Websites. An E-commerce site needs to be based on a scalable database that combines ease of use with complex analysis and data integrating tools. The database server SQL 2000 has powerful graphical user interface for creating data-driven applications and the CSK 2000 takes advantage of its data integrating and analysis capabilities. The CSK2000 use SQL2000 Server Data Transformation Services to transform data stored in SQL databases to the format used by CSK2000 resources. BTK 2000 enables businesses to securely exchange data with trading partners and it takes advantage of the security features offered through Microsoft Windows 2000 and SQL 2000 security.
机译:这项工作向Microsoft Commerce Server 2000(CSK2000)展示了其他产品,例如Biztalk Server 2000(BTK2000),用于创建复杂电子商务网站的Microsoft SQL 2000(SQL2000)。电子商务站点需要基于可扩展的数据库,该数据库将易用性与复杂的分析和数据集成工具结合在一起。数据库服务器SQL 2000具有强大的图形用户界面,可用于创建数据驱动的应用程序,而CSK 2000则利用了其数据集成和分析功能。 CSK2000使用SQL2000 Server数据转换服务将存储在SQL数据库中的数据转换为CSK2000资源使用的格式。 BTK 2000使企业能够与贸易伙伴安全地交换数据,并利用Microsoft Windows 2000和SQL 2000安全性提供的安全性功能。



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