
The sampling analysis pattern




Sampling is a general concept that has many applications in various domains. The idea of representing sampling as a pattern is to guarantee a reusable core. The stable sampling analysis pattern is introduced and defined as a solution for providing the core knowledge of the sampling problem itself. In order to achieve this goal, the sampling pattern is built based on the software stability concepts approach introduced by M.E. Fayad (2002). The software stability concepts provide the sampling pattern a stable and reusable core M.E. Fayad (2002). This core is represented in terms of enduring business themes and business objects artifacts by M.E. Fayad (2002). Due to their reusable and stable nature, they grant the ability of this pattern to be used in other applications which share the same knowledge. This paper provides detailed documentation of the proposed stable sampling analysis pattern.
机译:采样是一个通用概念,在各个领域中都有许多应用。将采样表示为模式的想法是为了确保可重用的核心。引入了稳定的采样分析模式,并将其定义为提供采样问题本身核心知识的解决方案。为了实现这一目标,基于M.E. Fayad(2002)引入的软件稳定性概念方法构建了采样模式。软件稳定性概念为采样模式提供了一个稳定且可重复使用的核心M.E. Fayad(2002)。 M.E. Fayad(2002)用持久的业务主题和业务对象工件来表示此核心。由于其可重用和稳定的性质,它们使该模式有能力在共享相同知识的其他应用程序中使用。本文提供了有关建议的稳定抽样分析模式的详细文档。



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