
Damage pattern mining in hurricane image databases




We present a damage pattern mining framework for hurricane data on residential houses using aerial photographs with 1:3000 based scale. The vertical photographs are normally collected for an overview of a disaster area or for more detailed assessment. Damage on roof, especially for shingles torn off, is expected to be discovered in a more efficient and automatic way instead of going through the high-resolution aerial photograph for numerous details. The discovered damage patterns can then be used for hurricane damage assessment and impacts on different geographical areas. Our methodology is: (1) applying a novel and effective segmentation method on each residential house on the aerial photograph of one community, (2) using the segmentation results to obtain a set of indexing parameters for each house representing the damage level of roof cladding as well as the patterns of damage, (3) using these parameters to select several templates representing the damage patterns so that users can issue query-by-example (QBE) queries. The proposed segmentation method is an unsupervised simultaneous partition and class parameter estimation algorithm that considers the problem of segmentation as a joint estimation of the partition and class parameter variables. By utilizing this segmentation method, the indexing parameters can be obtained automatically. The QBE capability can assist in finding similar damage patterns on the roof of the residential houses in different locations in the image databases. Experiments based on the aerial photographs of Hurricane Andrew in 1992 are conducted and analyzed to show the effectiveness of the proposed hurricane damage pattern mining framework.
机译:我们使用基于1:3000比例的航拍照片,提出了一种用于住宅数据的飓风数据的损伤模式挖掘框架。通常会收集垂直照片,以概述灾区或进行更详细的评估。预计将以一种更高效,更自动的方式发现屋顶上的损坏,尤其是对于带状疱疹的屋顶,而不是通过高分辨率的航拍照片了解许多细节。然后,可以将发现的破坏模式用于飓风破坏评估以及对不同地理区域的影响。我们的方法是:(1)在一个社区的航拍照片上对每座住宅应用新颖有效的分割方法,(2)使用分割结果为每座房屋获得一组索引参数,以代表屋顶覆层的损坏程度以及损坏的模式,(3)使用这些参数选择代表损坏模式的几个模板,以便用户可以发出示例查询(QBE)查询。提出的分割方法是一种无监督的同时分割和类参数估计算法,该算法将分割问题视为分割和类参数变量的联合估计。通过使用这种分割方法,可以自动获得索引参数。 QBE功能可以帮助在图像数据库中不同位置的住宅屋顶上找到相似的损坏模式。根据1992年安德鲁飓风的航拍照片进行了实验并进行了分析,以证明所提出的飓风破坏模式挖掘框架的有效性。



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