
SARS Periods Its' Therapy




SARS is a new kind of acute contagious disease, which is caused by SARS - CoV. The mechanism of the disease has not been made clear. The disease progresses quickly and with a certain amount death rate. To May 14th, there are 5 086 SARA patients in China, 262 of which had died, There are 2 370 patients in Beijing and 179 died here. Now, we are still researching the clinical presentation and the therapy of SARS. The death rate has close relation with what as have known about SARS, and the treatment we have taken up as well. From the middle of March, more than 300 patients have accepted treatment in our hospital, 7 of which died. According to the these cases, we are accumulated some experience and summarize them as fallow. There are four types of SARS - mild, ordinary, serious and critical type. Among them ordinary type is the most common type. In the cause of SARS, a patient of ordinary type will experience incubation, initial, acute, re-mittence and recoven period.
机译:SARS是一种由SARS-CoV引起的新型急性传染病。该疾病的机制尚不清楚。该病进展迅速,并有一定的死亡率。到5月14日,中国共有5 086名SARA患者,其中262人死亡,北京有2 370名患者,其中179人死亡。现在,我们仍在研究SARS的临床表现和治疗方法。死亡率与对SARS的了解以及我们所采取的治疗方法密切相关。从3月中旬开始,我们医院接受了300多名患者的治疗,其中7人死亡。根据这些情况,我们积累了一些经验并将其总结为休假。非典型肺炎有四种类型:轻度,普通,严重和严重。其中普通类型是最常见的类型。在非典的病因中,普通类型的患者将经历潜伏期,初期,急性,再次发作和恢复期。



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