
Security assurance for an RBAC/MAC security model

机译:RBAC / MAC安全模型的安全保证



Corporations and government agencies rely on inter-operating software artifacts (e.g., legacy, COTS, GOTS, databases, servers, etc.) and client applications, brought together by middleware (e.g., CORBA, JINI, .NET, etc.), supporting unrestricted access to application programmer interfaces, APIs. As part of our ongoing research, we have designed and prototyped a unified role-based/mandatory access control (RBAC/MAC) security model with delegation and enforcement to control access by users (via clients) to the methods of artifact APIs, namely: who (user/client) can invoke which methods of artifact APIs at what times. Underlying our RBAC/MAC framework are security assurance rules, SARs, which provide a confidence level on the attainment of an application's security policy. We focus on the formal underpinnings of our security assurance research, its realization during security policy definition with management tools, and at runtime by the enforcement framework.
机译:公司和政府机构依靠互操作的软件工件(例如,旧版,COTS,GOTS,数据库,服务器等)和客户端应用程序(由中间件(例如,CORBA,JINI,.NET等)整合在一起)来支持不受限制地访问应用程序接口,API。作为我们正在进行的研究的一部分,我们已经设计并原型化了基于角色/强制访问控制(RBAC / MAC)的统一安全模型,该模型具有委派和强制执行,以控制用户(通过客户端)对工件API方法的访问,即:谁(用户/客户端)可以在什么时间调用工件API的哪些方法。我们的RBAC / MAC框架的基础是安全保证规则SAR,它为实现应用程序的安全策略提供了置信度。我们专注于我们的安全保证研究的正式基础,在使用管理工具定义安全策略期间以及在执行框架中在运行时实现的内容。



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