
An architecture for flexible, evolvable process-driven user-guidance environments




Complex toolsets can be difficult to use. User interfaces can help by guiding users through the alternative choices that might be possible at any given time, but this tends to lock users into the fixed interaction models dictated by the user-interface designers. Alternatively, we propose an approach where the tool utilization model is specified by a process, written in a process definition langauge. Our approach incorporates a user-interface specification that describes how the user-interface is to respond to, or reflect, progress through the execution of the process definition. By not tightly binding the user-guidance process, the associated user-interfaces, and the toolset, it is easy to develop alternative processes that provide widely varying levels and styles of guidance and to be responsive to evolution in the processes, user interfaces, or toolset. In this paper, we describe this approach for developing process-driven user-guidance environments, a lossely coupled architecture for supportingthis separation of concerns, and a generator for automatically binding the process and the user interface. We report on a case study using this approach. Although this case study used a specific process definition language and a specific toolset, the approach is applicable to other process definition languages and toolsets, provided they meet some basic, sound software engineering requirements.



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