
Robust lossless image data hiding




Recently, among various data hiding techniques, a new subset, lossless data hiding, has drawn tremendous interest. Most existing lossless data hiding algorithms are, however, fragile in the sense that they can be defeated when compression or other small alteration is applied to the marked image. The method of C. De Vleeschouwer et al. (see IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol.5, p.97-105, 2003) is the only existing semi-fragile lossless data hiding technique (also referred to as robust lossless data hiding), which is robust against high quality JPEG compression. We first point out that this technique has a fatal problem: salt-and-pepper noise caused by using modulo 256 addition. We then propose a novel robust lossless data hiding technique, which does not generate salt-and-pepper noise. This technique has been successfully applied to many commonly used images (including medical images, more than 1000 images in the CorelDRAW database, and JPEG2000 test images), thus demonstrating its generality. The experimental results show that the visual quality, payload and robustness are acceptable. In addition to medical and law enforcement fields, it has been applied to authenticate losslessly compressed JPEG2000 images.
机译:最近,在各种数据隐藏技术中,一个新的子集,无损数据隐藏,引起了极大的兴趣。但是,大多数现有的无损数据隐藏算法是脆弱的,因为当对标记的图像进行压缩或其他小的更改时,它们可能会失效。 C. De Vleeschouwer等人的方法。 (请参阅IEEE Trans。Multimedia,第5卷,第97-105页,2003年)是唯一现有的半脆弱无损数据隐藏技术(也称为鲁棒无损数据隐藏),它对高质量JPEG压缩具有鲁棒性。我们首先指出,该技术有一个致命的问题:使用256模加法引起的椒盐噪声。然后,我们提出了一种新颖的鲁棒的无损数据隐藏技术,该技术不会产生椒盐噪声。该技术已成功应用于许多常用图像(包括医学图像,CorelDRAW数据库中的1000多个图像和JPEG2000测试图像),从而证明了其通用性。实验结果表明,视觉质量,有效载荷和鲁棒性是可以接受的。除了医疗和执法领域外,它还被用于验证无损压缩的JPEG2000图像。



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