首页> 外文会议>Sixth Biennial IEEE-USA Careers Conference, 1989., 1989 >Large aperture magnets for a future high power proton synchrotron

Large aperture magnets for a future high power proton synchrotron




A high intensity, high power proton synchrotron is currently underconsideration at Fermilab. The machine known as the Proton Driver -would accelerate 3×1013 protons from 400 MeV to 12 GeV(stage I) or 16 GeV (stage II) and ultimately deliver in excess of 1 MWof beam power. To minimize losses and insure beam stability, the spacecharge-induced tune shift must be kept well below 0.5. This isaccomplished by spreading out bunches both longitudinally andtransversely. While the former strategy favors high voltage lowfrequency RF, the latter leads to magnets with unconventionally largeapertures. This requirement, combined with a 1.5 T bending field andrapid cycling operation results in a number of serious but notinsurmountable challenges. In this paper, we discuss the design of theProton Driver magnets and the rationale behind it
机译:目前正在使用高强度,高功率的质子同步加速器 费米实验室的考虑。被称为Proton Driver的机器- 会将3×10 13 质子从400 MeV加速到12 GeV (第一阶段)或16 GeV(第二阶段),最终交付超过1兆瓦 光束功率。为了最大程度地减少损耗并确保光束稳定性,该空间 电荷引起的音调偏移必须保持在0.5以下。这是 通过沿纵向和垂直方向展开一束来完成 横向地。虽然前者的策略偏向于高电压低 频率RF,后者导致磁体尺寸异常大 孔。结合1.5 T弯曲场和 快速的循环操作会导致许多严重的后果,但并非如此 难以克服的挑战。在本文中,我们讨论了 质子驱动器磁铁及其背后的原理



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