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Performance improvements for nvh analysis on cray sv1 computers

机译:在Cray SV1计算机上进行NVH分析的性能改进



Significant improvements were made to MSC. Nastran kernels to exploit the architecture of the Cray SV1. Special attention was given to kernels involved in typical NVH analysis. The biggest performance gains were made in the decomposition kiernels used in eigenanalysis and model and direct frequency response. Improvements were also made to the FBS kernels, AXPR kernels and MPYAD matrix-multiply-add kernels. Performance on a set of input decks from industry is shown, demonstrating that these optimizations greatly reduce turnaround time for most large-scale NVH computations.
机译:对MSC进行了重大改进。 Nastran内核利用CRAY SV1的体系结构。对典型的NVH分析涉及的核特别关注。在特征分析和模型和直接频率响应中使用的分解kiernels进行了最大的性能。还对FBS内核,AXPR内核和Mpyad矩阵 - 多添加内核进行了改进。显示了一组来自工业的输入甲板上的性能,表明这些优化大大减少了大多数大型NVH计算的周转时间。



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