
The emergence of the hydrogen alternative




In the summer of 1956, I had two experiences that turned me down a long road of automotive enthusiasm. A bank in the small town where I lived put an MGA on display in its lobby. In our town hidden away in the mountains of Pennsylvania this was a big deal. Other bigger communities may have had a chance to see sports carts, but they were very rare in Bradford. And here was one we could actually touch and sit in. My friends and I rode our bicycles to the bank and examined the little roadster for an hour or so. We sat in it, so low that it was like sitting on the road, looked over the long hood and imagined ourselves driving the MGA over the twisty mountain roads outside of town. I was hooked. I stopped on the way home from the bank and bought my first sports car magazine and began a forty-five year process of reading everything I could get my hands on about cars. My wife will attest that I still read and collect those magazines. In fact she is convinced that somewhere in the stacks of car buff books around our house that first magazine bought in Bradford still exists.



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