首页> 外文会议>Conference on image perception and performance >Improving the visualization of drusen in age-related macular degeneration through maximum entropy digitization and stereo viewing

Improving the visualization of drusen in age-related macular degeneration through maximum entropy digitization and stereo viewing




Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to report on the effects of stereopsis, resolution, color, and contrast on detecting and evaluating lesions associated with age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) in retinal images. Ten stereo-pairs were scanned from 35-mm color photographs at two different spatial resolutions (33 pixels/mm and 100 pixels/mm). The effects of image quality were established by presenting the digital images to trained analysts with varying degrees of spatial resolution and contrast viewed in 2-D and stereo. Stereopsis was produced using shuttered goggles to view the stereo pair on the computer monitor. Resolution had less of an effect on feature detection than contrast for the ARMD lesions studied. Detection was reduced only 12% for a 4X reduction in spatial resolution. Detection of ARMD lesions was reduced by more than 50% when contrast was reduced by a factor of 4. There was a 10 - 20% increase in the ability to detect drusen using full color images compared to red-free. The stereo effect produced by the shutter glasses and computer monitor was similar to that observed in viewing stereo slides. With high digital image quality, the stereo viewing computer-based system demonstrated significant potential for grading and analysis of retinal images for ARMD. !25
机译:摘要:本文的目的是报告立体图像,分辨率,颜色和对比度对视网膜图像中与年龄相关性黄斑变性(ARMD)相关的病变的检测和评估的影响。从35毫米彩色照片中以两种不同的空间分辨率(33像素/毫米和100像素/毫米)扫描十对立体对。图像质量的影响是通过将数字图像呈现给受过培训的分析人员来确定的,这些分析人员具有在2D和立体声环境中观察到的不同程度的空间分辨率和对比度。使用百叶窗的护目镜在计算机显示器上查看立体对,即可产生立体视觉。对于研究的ARMD病变,分辨率对特征检测的影响小于对对比度的影响。空间分辨率降低4倍,检测量仅降低了12%。当对比度降低了4倍时,ARMD病变的检测减少了50%以上。与无红相比,使用全彩色图像检测玻璃膜疣的能力提高了10-20%。快门眼镜和计算机显示器产生的立体效果类似于观看立体幻灯片时所观察到的效果。凭借高数字图像质量,基于立体观察的计算机系统展示了用于ARMD视网膜图像分级和分析的巨大潜力。 !25


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