
(Optimal) duplication is not elementary recursive




In the last ten years there has been a steady interest in optimal reduction of #lambda#-terms (or, more generally, of functional programs). The very story started, in fact, more than twenty years ago, with Jean-Jacques Levy's thesis [Lev78]. The problem he attacked was to find an execution strategy for #lambda#-terms minimizing the number of #beta#-reductions. It was already known that no such strategy exists which reduces only one redex (i.e., a single function call) at the time. Levy's insight was to discover that a parallel optimal strategy exists, the one reducing in a single step all the redexes belonging to the same family, a crucial notion he introduced. However, Levy lacked the programming technology to implement his strategy. He showed it was effective, but no one knew at that time what kind of data structure could be used to dynamically maintain the families in such a way that all the redexes of a given family could be somehow shared and, therefore, reduced as a single step. The solution came in 1989, when independently Kathail [Kat90] and Lamping [Lam90] gave abstract #lambda#-calculus machines which reduced terms as prescribed by Levy's optimality theory. Lamping's graph rewriting approach is the one that received most interest, and after his breakthrough other variants of optimal reducers have been proposed, especially by Gonthier, Abadi and Levy [GnAl92a] and Asperti [Asp95]. We will refer to all of them as the optimal sharing graph approach.
机译:在过去的十年中,人们一直对优化减少#lambda#项(或更一般地,对功能程序)感兴趣。实际上,这个故事始于二十多年前的让·雅克·利维(Jean-Jacques Levy)的论文[Lev78]。他攻击的问题是为#lambda#词条找到一种执行策略,以最大程度地减少#beta#词条的数量。已经知道,不存在这样的策略,该策略在当时仅减少一个redex(即,单个函数调用)。 Levy的见解是发现存在一种并行的最优策略,该策略一步一步地减少了属于同一家族的所有redex,这是他引入的一个关键概念。但是,Levy缺乏用于实现其策略的编程技术。他表明它是有效的,但是当时没人知道可以使用哪种数据结构来动态维护家族,以便可以以某种方式共享给定家族的所有redex,因此可以将它们简化为一个单一的家族。步。解决方案出现在1989年,当时Kathail [Kat90]和Lamping [Lam90]独立提供了抽象的#lambda#-演算机器,该机器按Levy最优性理论的规定减少了项。兰平的图形重写方法是最受关注的一种方法,在他的突破之后,提出了最佳化简器的其他变体,特别是Gonthier,Abadi和Levy [GnAl92a]和Asperti [Asp95]。我们将它们全部称为最佳共享图方法。



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