
Birkhoff-von Neumann input buffered crossbar switches

机译:Birkhoff-von Neumann输入缓冲纵横开关



Previously, we proposed a scheduling algorithm that is capable of providing rate guarantees for input-buffered crossbar switches. The algorithm is based on a decomposition result by Birkhoff (1945) and von Neumann (1953) for a doubly substochastic matrix. An input buffered crossbar switch that uses such an algorithm is called the Birkhoff-von Neumann switch in this paper. For the Birkhoff-von Neumann switch, the rate guarantees are uniformly good for all non-uniform traffic, and it does not require framing or internal speedup. Our objective of this paper is to make the Birkhoff-von Neumann switch more complete and practical. We do so by addressing three topics: providing best-effort services in the Birkhoff-von Neumann switch, hardware implementation of the switch fabric, and multistage Birkhoff-von Neumann switches.
机译:以前,我们提出了一种调度算法,该算法能够为输入缓冲的交叉开关提供速率保证。该算法基于Birkhoff(1945)和von Neumann(1953)对双亚随机矩阵的分解结果。使用这种算法的输入缓冲纵横开关在本文中称为Birkhoff-von Neumann开关。对于Birkhoff-von Neumann交换机,速率保证对于所有非均匀流量均一律良好,并且不需要成帧或内部加速。本文的目的是使Birkhoff-von Neumann开关更加完整和实用。为此,我们着眼于三个主题:在Birkhoff-von Neumann交换机中提供尽力而为的服务,交换结构的硬件实现以及多级Birkhoff-von Neumann交换机。



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