
The altaRical language




The analysis of critical systems reuqire to model them within a formalism that make it possible to capture the eatures of interest for the sudy. As a consequence, a reliability study may involve the use of several mathematical models. Several tools have been developped in order to unify, in a same software workbench, a subset of the existing methods. To be user-friendly such a tool has to provide the use with a graphical interface. However, a sound and claear mathematical semantics is also required. The aim of this paper is to present the AltaRical language. AltaRica is used as the mathematical basis for the reliability worbench we are currently developping. AltaRica descriptions are to be compiled into classical risk assessment models such as fault trees and stochastic Petri nets, as well as models used in the formal methods framework.
机译:对关键系统的分析要求在形式主义中对它们进行建模,从而有可能捕获研究的兴趣特征。结果,可靠性研究可能会涉及几个数学模型的使用。为了在同一个软件工作台中统一现有方法的子集,已经开发了几种工具。为了方便用户使用,此类工具必须提供图形界面。但是,还需要健全而明确的数学语义。本文的目的是介绍AltaRical语言。 AltaRica被用作我们目前正在开发的可靠性工作台的数学基础。 AltaRica的描述将被编译成经典的风险评估模型,例如故障树和随机Petri网,以及正式方法框架中使用的模型。



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