
A Composition-filters Framework for Developing Distributed Java Applications on the Web




the design of distributed client-server applications can be greatly reduced by a systematic, object-oriented breakdown of the functionality of all distributed applications, and later building the appropiate generalization paradigm. The main advance of this work is devising a whole framework that relies heavily on the assumption that a distributed application must communicate with other distributed applications (including self) by means of object streams. Object streams are directed flows made of objects from the same class, connecting two processes together, whether they be simple messages or an actual sequential flow of structured data. An object acts as emitter, and other as receiver. An analogy is established with signal processing, where these object streams correspond to signal flows, and the applications correspond to composition filters and mappings operating on those object streams. UML was applied as the overall design methodology, and a prototype inplementation was done entirely in the Java language.
机译:通过所有分布式应用程序的功能的系统,面向对象的故障,可以大大减少分布式客户端 - 服务器应用程序的设计,并稍后构建拟议泛化范例。这项工作的主要进展是设计了整个框架,这些框架非常依赖于假设分布式应用程序必须通过对象流与其他分布式应用程序(包括Self)通信。对象流是由来自同一类的对象的定向流,将两个进程连接在一起,无论是简单的消息还是结构化数据的实际顺序流。一个物体充当发射器,另一个物体作为接收器。使用信号处理建立了类比,其中这些对象流对应于信号流,并且应用对应于在这些对象流上操作的组合滤波器和映射。 UML被应用为整体设计方法,并完全以Java语言完成了一个原型依据。



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