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Patent approved: a hybrid CRT design for advanced TV and other large-format digital displays




Abstract: A patent has been awarded for a new CRT design thateliminates the internal shadow mask, and promises abright, rugged, high-resolution/large-format,multiscan/multi-sync display with potentially lowmanufacturing costs. The design incorporates alight-valve within the CRT. Modulation of the electrongun and the function of the shadow mask are replaced bytwo chemical reactions typical of phosphors: decaysstimulation and quenching. These reactions arecontrolled through illumination of the phosphors bynon- visible light projected through the light-valve.The image is generated in traditional raster form, butwith a single, non-modulated electron gun; control ofeach pixel is made through modulation of thelight-valve. The design decrease manufacturingalignment requirements and eliminates the need to focusthe electron gun. Advantages include: high-G resistancedue to elimination of the shadow mask; brighterdisplays because the electron beam is not occluded orabsorbed by the shadow mask; elimination of decay rateas a parameter in phosphor choice and frame rate; anddigital interfacing to image sources. Applicationsinclude: large- format displays without the physicalconstraints of the shadow mask and by elimination ofdistortion control requirements of the electron beam atthe image edges; variable frame rates by modulating thedecay rate of the phosphors through quenching; andstereoscopic displays without crosstalk through controlof left-right phosphor decay rates. !7
机译:摘要:一项消除了内部荫罩的新型CRT设计已获得一项专利,该显示器有望以低廉的制造成本实现明亮,坚固,高分辨率/大幅面,多扫描/多同步显示。该设计在CRT中集成了一个轻阀。电子枪的调制和荫罩的功能被磷光体的两个典型化学反应所取代:衰变刺激和猝灭。这些反应是通过通过光阀投射的不可见光对磷光体进行照明来控制的。图像以传统的光栅形式生成,但使用单个非调制电子枪产生。每个像素的控制通过光阀的调制来实现。该设计降低了制造对准要求,并消除了聚焦电子枪的需要。优点包括:由于消除了荫罩而具有较高的G抵抗力;由于电子束没有被荫罩遮挡或吸收,因此显示较亮;消除衰减速率作为荧光粉选择和帧速率的参数;与图像源的数字接口。应用包括:大幅面显示器,没有荫罩的物理约束,并且消除了图像边缘电子束的畸变控制要求;通过淬灭调节磷光体的衰减率来改变帧速率;通过控制左右荧光粉的衰减速率,实现无串扰的立体显示。 !7



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