首页> 外文会议>Conference on wavelet applications >Automatic retrieval of similar patterns in an image database using texture and color information

Automatic retrieval of similar patterns in an image database using texture and color information




Abstract: Content-based indexing and retrieval of image database has become quite a popular research focus during the pats few years. Although several retrieval approaches based on low- level features have been proposed up to now, an efficient combination of these features which would remarkably improve the performance still needs to be developed. In the paper oriented towards the retrieval of images in a textured color image database, we propose a novel approach which effectively combines both the texture and the color information in a non-separate way. In the approach, we apply adaptive wavelet frame packet analysis which we proposed earlier to both the transformed texture channel and the color channel, we obtain textured features, colored features and correlated features of both texture and color form all the decomposed subbands and we measure similarity of images using a simple and symmetric distance. Images are returned in order of similarity to the query sample. Experiments show that the proposed approach retrieves images in a progressive way. It can produce appealing performance in terms of both retrieval efficiency and retrieval effectiveness. !12
机译:摘要:在过去的几年中,基于内容的图像数据库索引和检索已成为相当流行的研究重点。尽管到目前为止,已经提出了几种基于低级特征的检索方法,但是仍然需要开发将显着提高性能的这些特征的有效组合。在针对纹理彩色图像数据库中的图像检索的论文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,该方法以非分离的方式有效地组合了纹理和颜色信息。在该方法中,我们将较早提出的自适应小波帧包分析应用于变换后的纹理通道和颜色通道,从所有分解的子带中获取纹理和颜色的纹理特征,着色特征以及相关特征,并测量相似度使用简单且对称的距离的图像。以与查询样本相似的顺序返回图像。实验表明,所提出的方法以渐进的方式检索图像。就检索效率和检索效率而言,它都可以产生吸引人的性能。 !12


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