首页> 外文会议>Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, 1998. IGARSS '98. 1998 IEEE International >Observations of currents from the near-surface to 50 m depth using a new multifrequency HF radar and an ADCP located in the radar observational area

Observations of currents from the near-surface to 50 m depth using a new multifrequency HF radar and an ADCP located in the radar observational area

机译:使用新型多频HF雷达和位于雷达观测区的ADCP观测从近地表到50 m深度的电流



In July 1996 a new multifrequency (4-25 MHz) HF radar was installed at the Long Marine Laboratory (University of California at Santa Cruz) on the north coast of Monterey Bay. This radar is capable of observing near-surface currents at varying depths in the top two metres of the ocean. Observations were made over a ten-day period in March 1997 during which there was a strong land-sea breeze circulation over Monterey Bay. Radial current measurements corresponding to depths of about 0.3, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.4 m were made during this period using HF radar data from four operating frequencies. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements were made at the MBARI M1 buoy near the mouth of the bay. Time series and Fourier analyses of these data show that very near the surface the strongest periodic component is a diurnal one corresponding to the diurnally varying surface stress from the land-sea breeze. At deeper depths the diurnal component remains, but a semi-diurnal component grows in strength with increasing depth of the current measurement. Thus, multifrequency HF radar combined with current measurements from buoys and moorings can investigate the air-sea interaction from within about 30 cm of the surface to depths of 50 m and more.
机译:1996年7月,新的多频(4-25 MHz)HF雷达安装在蒙特利湾北海岸的Long Marine实验室(加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁斯分校)。该雷达能够观测海洋两米顶部不同深度的近地表电流。在1997年3月的十天中进行了观测,在此期间,蒙特雷湾上空海陆风强烈。在此期间,使用来自四个工作频率的HF雷达数据,进行了对应于约0.3、0.5、1.0和1.4 m深度的径向电流测量。声学多普勒电流剖面仪(ADCP)的测量是在海湾口附近的MBARI M1浮标上进行的。这些数据的时间序列和傅里叶分析表明,最靠近地面的最强周期性分量是一个昼夜分量,对应于陆海风的昼夜变化表面应力。在更深的深度,昼夜部分仍然存在,但是半昼夜部分的强度随着电流测量深度的增加而增加。因此,多频HF雷达与浮标和系泊设备的电流测量结果相结合,可以研究从表层约30 cm到50 m或更大深度的海-气相互作用。



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