首页> 外文会议>Ocean Optics XIII >Bio-optical relationships in southwest Atlantic sector of Antarctic Ocean

Bio-optical relationships in southwest Atlantic sector of Antarctic Ocean




Abstract: Optical and phytoplankton pigment data collected from around 80 stations in the south-west Atlantic sector of Antarctic Ocean between the Drake Passage and Antarctic Peninsula during three Antarctic Expeditions of Japan Fisheries Agency in Austral summer were analyzed for bio-optical characterization. Three optical water types were identified based on the spatial variability of phytoplankton pigment in the euphotic zone and corresponding profile of physical parameters along with total beam attenuation coefficient, c$-t$/(m$+$MIN@1$/) and diffuse attenuation coefficient, K$- d$/(m$+$MIN@1$/). The derived pigment specific particulate beam attenuation coefficient and diffuse attenuation coefficients were effectively used to identify optical stations under dominant influence of non-chlorophyll substances. The pigment specific coefficients were compared with the coefficients reported from typical case I waters and polar waters as well. Significant variations from temperate model and agrement with polar region model are discussed. Chlorophyll remote sensing model was examined with two sets of reflectance, R($lambda@) and sub-surface upwelling radiance, L$-u$/($lambda@) ratios. The typical case I water remote sensing algorithm and the algorithm derived from present analysis were implemented on the CZCS image, and satellite derived chlorophyll values were compared with in situ estimates available in the same area from the Polish BIOMASS-FIBEX expedition. The results point to the need of more critical study on the bio-optical aspects before implementation of local algorithms for this region on ocean color image. !5
机译:摘要:分析了日本渔业厅南极考察队在南极夏季夏季从德雷克海峡和南极半岛之间的南极西南大西洋扇贝附近约80个站点收集的光学和浮游植物色素数据,以进行生物光学表征。根据富营养区浮游植物色素的空间变异性和相应的物理参数分布以及总的光束衰减系数,c $ -t $ /(m $ + $ MIN @ 1 $ /)和扩散来确定三种光学水类型衰减系数K $-d $ /(m $ + $ MIN @ 1 $ /)。导出的颜料比颗粒束衰减系数和扩散衰减系数可有效地用于识别非叶绿素物质的主要影响下的光学站。将颜料比系数与典型情况I水和极地水报告的系数进行比较。讨论了温带模型的显着性变化和极区模型的显着性变化。叶绿素遥感模型使用两组反射率R($ lambda @)和地下上升流辐射率L $ -u $ /($ lambda @)的比率进行了检验。在CZCS图像上实现了典型案例I水遥感算法和从当前分析得出的算法,并将卫星得出的叶绿素值与波兰BIOMASS-FIBEX探险队在同一地区获得的原位估计值进行了比较。结果表明,在海洋彩色图像上对该区域实施局部算法之前,需要对生物光学方面进行更严格的研究。 !5


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