首页> 外文会议>Optical and Imaging Techniques for Biomonitoring >Volumic visual perception: principally novel concept

Volumic visual perception: principally novel concept




Abstract: The general concept of volumic view (VV) as a universal property of space is introduced. VV exists in every point of the universe where electromagnetic (EM) waves can reach and a point or a quasi-point receiver (detector) of EM waves can be placed. Classification of receivers is given for the first time. They are classified into three main categories: biological, man-made non-biological, and mathematically specified hypothetical receivers. The principally novel concept of volumic perception is introduced. It differs chiefly from the traditional concept which traces back to Euclid and pre-Euclidean times and much later to Leonardo da Vinci and Giovanni Battista della Porta's discoveries and practical stereoscopy as introduced by C. Wheatstone. The basic idea of novel concept is that humans and animals acquire volumic visual data flows in series rather than in parallel. In this case the brain is free from extremely sophisticated real time parallel processing of two volumic visual data flows in order to combine them. Such procedure seems hardly probable even for humans who are unable to combine two primitive static stereoscopic images in one quicker than in a few seconds. Some people are unable to perform this procedure at all. !31
机译:摘要:介绍了体积观(VV)作为空间通用性的一般概念。 VV存在于宇宙中电磁(EM)波可以到达的每个点,并且可以放置EM波的一个点或一个准点接收器(检测器)。接收机的分类是第一次。它们分为三大类:生物的,人造的非生物的和数学上指定的假设接收器。引入了体积感知的主要新颖概念。它主要不同于传统概念,后者可追溯到欧几里得和前欧几里德时代,更远的是达芬奇和乔凡尼·巴蒂斯塔·德拉·波塔的发现和实用的立体镜,这是由C. Wheatstone提出的。新颖概念的基本思想是,人和动物以串行方式而不是并行方式获取大量的视觉数据流。在这种情况下,大脑无需对两个大量的可视数据流进行极其复杂的实时并行处理,以将它们组合在一起。即使对于无法在短于几秒钟的时间内将两个原始静态立体图像进行组合的人来说,这种程序似乎也不大可能。有些人根本无法执行此过程。 !31



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