
NASA/JPL airborne three-frequency polarimetric/interferometric SAR system

机译:NASA / JPL机载三频极化/干涉SAR系统



The NASA/JPL airborne SAR system (popularly known as "AIRSAR") has been flown aboard the NASA Ames Research Center DC-8 since 1987. AIRSAR is a three frequency (P-, L-, and C-bands) polarimetric radar with the interferometric capability. Modes of operation are possible with the AIRSAR system, it has three basic operational modes (polarimetric, across track interferometry, and along track interferometry). The AIRSAR hardware consists of RFE (RF Electronics), digital electronics, antenna, control computer, on-board processor, and power distribution subsystems. A single DCG (Digital Chirp Generator) generates the chirp waveform and it is up-converted to L-band. Subsequent up- and down- conversions produce C- and P- band chirp signals, respectively. The return echo is amplified by LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) and digitized by 8-bit ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter). The digital data from six channels are multiplexed and stored on tape using the high density digital recorder. During the AIRSAR mission, a real time correlator produces low resolution imagery to assess the general health of the radar and to verify that the correct area has been imaged. Data processing to produce high quality image products happens in the weeks and months following a flight campaign after proper calibration parameters are generated. The current integrated processor can process both polarimetric and interferometric data. The authors present detailed mission description, hardware configuration, and data processing.
机译:自1987年以来,NASA / JPL机载SAR系统(俗称“ AIRSAR”)就已搭载在NASA艾姆斯研究中心的DC-8上。AIRSAR是一种三频(P波段,L波段和C波段)极化雷达,具有干涉测量能力。使用AIRSAR系统可以实现操作模式,它具有三种基本的操作模式(极化,跨轨道干涉测量和沿轨道干涉测量)。 AIRSAR硬件包括RFE(射频电子),数字电子,天线,控制计算机,机载处理器和配电子系统。单个DCG(数字线性调频发生器)生成线性调频波形,并将其上变频为L波段。随后的上转换和下转换分别产生C波段和P波段线性调频信号。回声由LNA(低噪声放大器)放大,并由8位ADC(模数转换器)数字化。来自六个通道的数字数据被多路复用,并使用高密度数字记录器存储在磁带上。在执行AIRSAR任务期间,实时相关器会生成低分辨率图像,以评估雷达的总体健康状况并验证是否已对正确的区域进行了成像。生成适当的校准参数后,在飞行后的数周和数月内会进行数据处理以生成高质量的图像产品。当前的集成处理器可以处理偏振数据和干涉数据。作者介绍了详细的任务说明,硬件配置和数据处理。



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