首页> 外文会议>Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1993. Canadian Conference on >A real-time generic animated simulator for robot manipulators

A real-time generic animated simulator for robot manipulators




In this paper, a research and development project on a generic animated simulator for robot manipulators is reported. The simulator animates the dynamic motion of a robotic system based on a set of position, velocity, acceleration, and force data generated from certain control algorithms, given through a data file, or imported from external programs. The data specifying the animated motion of the robotic system can be given in either the robot joint space or the task Cartesian space. The simulator is capable of constructing arbitrarily shaped robotic system structures and environment objects if they can be modeled as rigid combination of convex polyhedra. Dynamic properties of the system have been taken into considerations so that they can be specified by a user to reflect different dynamic objects and environment. The simulator is controlled through a graphic interface. The simulator is implemented on a NeXT TurboStation using Objective-C programming environment and the NeXT Interface Builder.
机译:在本文中,报告了针对机器人操纵器的通用动画模拟器的研究和开发项目。模拟器基于一组位置,速度,加速度和力数据,对机器人系统的动态运动进行动画处理,这些数据是由某些控制算法生成的,这些数据是通过数据文件给出的,或者是从外部程序导入的。可以在机器人关节空间或任务笛卡尔空间中提供指定机器人系统动画运动的数据。如果可以将其建模为凸多面体的刚性组合,则该模拟器能够构造任意形状的机器人系统结构和环境对象。已经考虑了系统的动态属性,以便用户可以指定它们以反映不同的动态对象和环境。模拟器通过图形界面进行控制。该模拟器是在使用Objective-C编程环境和NeXT Interface Builder的Ne​​XT TurboStation上实现的。



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