首页> 外文会议>IEE Colloquium on Applied Statistical Process Control, 1990 >New state clustering of hidden Markov network with Koreanphonological rules for speech recognition

New state clustering of hidden Markov network with Koreanphonological rules for speech recognition




We adopted the Korean phonological rules to state clustering ofcontextual domain for representing the unknown contexts and tying themodel parameters of new states in state clustering of SSS (successivestate splitting). We used the decision tree-based successive statesplitting (DT-SSS) algorithm, which splits the state of contexts basedon phonetic knowledge. The SSS algorithm proposed by Sagayama (1992) isa powerful technique, which designed topologies of tied-state HMMsautomatically, but it does not generate unknown contexts adequately. Inaddition it has some problem in the contextual splits procedure. In thispaper, speaker independent Korean isolated word and sentence recognitionexperiments are carried out. In word recognition experiments, thismethod shows an average of 6.3% higher word recognition accuracy thanthe conventional HMMs, and in sentence recognition experiments, it showsan average of 90.9% recognition accuracy
机译:我们采用了韩国语音规则来对 上下文域,用于表示未知上下文并绑定 SSS状态聚类中新状态的模型参数(连续 状态分裂)。我们使用了基于决策树的连续状态 分割(DT-SSS)算法,用于根据上下文分割状态 关于语音知识。 Sagayama(1992)提出的SSS算法是 一种强大的技术,它设计了绑定状态HMM的拓扑 自动,但不会充分生成未知上下文。在 此外,它在上下文拆分过程中存在一些问题。在这个 纸,说话者独立韩语孤立的单词和句子识别 实验进行了。在单词识别实验中, 方法显示的单词识别准确率平均比翻译高6.3% 传统的HMM,并在句子识别实验中显示 平均识别精度为90.9%



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