
Accurate optical proximity detector




A ratiometric optical proximity sensor which measures the distance between an approaching object and the sensor within a range of 1 cm to about 10 cm is described. With the proposed method, the influence of the reflection coefficient and the orientation of the object is strongly reduced. The sensor can be used in robot grippers and in other applications where contactless measurement of short distances is required. The output of the optical proximity detector depends on the reflectivity of the target material. This dependence can be reduced by using two receivers at some distance apart along the optical axis of the system. The ratio between the two outputs is independent of the reflection coefficient of the target and of the intensity of the power source. The sensitivity of the sensor system and the range are fixed by the geometrical configuration and the radiant properties of the source and detectors. Major design parameters are the angles between the optical axes of the transmitter and receivers and the distances between these optical components. The ratiometric output is achieved by dividing the difference between the two receiver outputs by one of the outputs or their sum. To eliminate the influence of environmental light, it is advisable to use a modulated light source and synchronous detection of the receiver outputs.
机译:描述了一种比例光学接近传感器,该传感器测量在1 cm到大约10 cm范围内接近物体和传感器之间的距离。利用所提出的方法,大大降低了反射系数和物体取向的影响。该传感器可用于机器人抓手以及需要短距离非接触式测量的其他应用。光学接近检测器的输出取决于目标材料的反射率。通过使用两个沿系统光轴间隔一定距离的接收器,可以减少这种依赖性。两个输出之间的比率与目标的反射系数以及电源的强度无关。传感器系统的灵敏度和范围由光源和检测器的几何结构以及辐射特性决定。主要设计参数是发射器和接收器的光轴之间的角度以及这些光学组件之间的距离。通过将两个接收器输出之间的差除以输出之一或它们的和来获得比例输出。为了消除环境光的影响,建议使用调制光源并对接收器输出进行同步检测。



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