
Using TRACER to capture and control requirements-the equipment specification




Tracing and Control of Engineering requirements is a software tool developed to document and trace requirements in a hierarchical manner from the highest project level all the way down to a detailed equipment specification or interface requirements document. The structure of the tool is described briefly, identifying the requirement of textual capability and its capability of linking to the driving (parent) requirements and levying on the target (child). Use of a multiplicity of associated attributes, and incorporation of tables and figures contained in and manipulated by the database are discussed. Generation of formal or working documents and reports in a great variety with flexibility is described, and change control features are explained. A TRACER document and report options are compared with typical paper systems. The ultimate goal, the equipment specification, may be a TRACER document benefiting from the full TRACER sorting and handling features for working versions, and selected succinct formats may be chosen for the formal release documents.



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