首页> 外文会议>Conference on Free-Space Laser Communications >The relationships between the amplitude of receiver output voltage and the maximum achievable OOK data rate

The relationships between the amplitude of receiver output voltage and the maximum achievable OOK data rate




With conventional optical concentrators high gains can only be achieved by restricting their field-of-view. In contrast, it has recently been shown that fluorescent concentrators can combine a relatively high gain with a wide field-of-vievv. However, a method to determine the benefits of using a concentrator is not available. Experiments have therefore been performed with a white LED and two receivers; an APD coupled to a fluorescent concentrator and an APD with a blue filter. When the concentrator is used its gain increases the receiver output voltage signal (ROVS) and so with each of these receivers, the incident light intensity was varied and both the peak-to-peak voltage at the receiver output and the data rate that can be achieved with a bit error rate of 10-3 were determined. These peak-to-peak voltages were used to determine the ROVS that corresponds to each data rate. An empirical relationship between the data rate and the ROVS is described. Results are presented which show that this relationship accurately predicts both sets of experimental data. In the future, this method can be used to predict the increase in data rate that will be obtained by adding any optical concentrator to a VLC receiver.



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