首页> 外文会议>IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography >MPSign: A Signature from Small-Secret Middle-Product Learning with Errors

MPSign: A Signature from Small-Secret Middle-Product Learning with Errors




We describe a digital signature scheme MPSign, whose security relies on the conjectured hardness of the Polynomial Learning With Errors problem (PLWE) for at least one defining polynomial within an exponential-size family (as a function of the security parameter). The proposed signature scheme follows the Fiat-Shamir framework and can be viewed as the Learning With Errors counterpart of the signature scheme described by Lyubashevsky at Asiacrypt 2016, whose security relies on the conjectured hardness of the Polynomial Short Integer Solution (PSIS) problem for at least one defining polynomial within an exponential-size family. As opposed to the latter, MPSign enjoys a security proof from PLWE that is tight in the quantum-access random oracle model. The main ingredient is a reduction from PLWE for an arbitrary defining polynomial among exponentially many, to a variant of the Middle-Product Learning with Errors problem (MPLWE) that allows for secrets that are small compared to the working modulus. We present concrete parameters for MPSign using such small secrets, and show that they lead to significant savings in signature length over Lyubashevsky's Asiacrypt 2016 scheme (which uses larger secrets) at typical security levels. As an additional small contribution, and in contrast to MPSign (or MPLWE), we present an efficient key-recovery attack against Lyubashevsky's scheme (or the inhomogeneous PSIS problem), when it is used with sufficiently small secrets, showing the necessity of a lower bound on secret size for the security of that scheme.
机译:我们描述了一种数字签名方案MPSign,其安全性依赖于指数大小族中至少一个定义多项式的有错误多项式学习问题(PLWE)的推测硬度(根据安全性参数)。拟议的签名方案遵循Fiat-Shamir框架,可以看作是Lyubashevsky在Asiacrypt 2016上描述的签名方案的“学习有错”,其安全性依赖于多项式短整数解(PSIS)问题的推测难度。指数大小族中的至少一个定义多项式。与后者相反,MPSign享有PLWE的安全证明,在量子访问随机预言模型中非常严格。主要成分是从PLWE减少为指数定义的多项式中的任意多项式,再到中间产品带错误学习问题(MPLWE)的变体,该变体允许与工作模数相比较小的秘密。我们提供了使用此类小秘密的MPSign具体参数,并表明与典型的Lyubashevsky的Asiacrypt 2016方案(使用较大的秘密)相比,它们可以显着节省签名长度,并且具有典型的安全级别。与MPSign(或MPLWE)相比,作为额外的小贡献,当使用足够小的机密信息时,我们提出了针对Lyubashevsky方案(或不均匀的PSIS问题)的有效密钥恢复攻击,表明了降低密码的必要性。为该方案的安全性而限制在机密大小上。



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