
Toward Pinpointing Data Leakage from Advanced Persistent Threats




Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) consist of most skillful hackers who employ sophisticated techniques to stealthily gain unauthorized access to private networks and exfiltrate sensitive data. When their existence is discovered, organizations – if they can sustain business continuity – mostly have to perform forensics activities to assess the damage of the attack and discover the extent of sensitive data leakage. In this paper, we construct a novel framework to pinpoint sensitive data that may have been leaked in such an attack. Our framework consists of creating baseline fingerprints for each workstation for setting normal activity, and we consider the change in the behavior of the network overall. We compare the accused fingerprint with sensitive database information by utilizing both Levenstein distance and TF-IDF/cosine similarity resulting in a similarity percentage. This allows us to pinpoint what part of data was exfiltrated by the perpetrators, where in the network the data originated, and if that data is sensitive to the private company's network. We then perform feasibility experiments to show that even these simple methods are feasible to run on a network representative of a mid-size business.
机译:高级持久威胁(APT)由最熟练的黑客组成,他采用复杂的技术,悄悄地获得对私有网络的未经授权访问和抗议敏感数据。当他们存在的存在时,组织 - 如果他们能够维持业务连续性 - 主要是必须执行取证活动,以评估攻击的损害并发现敏感数据泄漏程度。在本文中,我们构建了一个小说框架,以确定可能在这种攻击中泄漏的敏感数据。我们的框架包括为每个工作站创建基线指纹,以设置正常活动,我们考虑整体网络行为的变化。通过利用Levenstein距离和TF-IDF /余弦相似性,我们将被指定的指纹与敏感数据库信息进行比较。这使我们能够确定肇事者中遇到的数据部分,其中网络中的数据发起,以及该数据对私营公司的网络敏感。然后,我们执行可行性实验,表明即使这些简单的方法也可以在代表中型业务的网络上运行。



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