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Progressive Design-Build with a Twist: Managing and Delivering Complex Projects at the San Jose/Santa Clara RWF Using a Collaborative Project Delivery and Governance Framework

机译:渐进式设计与构建:使用协作项目交付和治理框架在San Jose / Santa Clara RWF管理和交付复杂项目



The primary challenge for Owners considering a collaborative project delivery approach for Design-Build (DB) projects in the public sector is the perception that costs cannot be controlled due to an increased focus on performance standards and construction quality, and a reduced emphasis on obtaining competitive pricing. One way to mitigate this perception is to establish a project-specific Project Delivery Model (PDM) for alternate delivery projects to provide the client with a framework to effectively review and reconcile costs without sacrificing performance and quality. Using a tailored PDM for a PDB project also enables the Owner to use a stage gate governance approach to ensure that the project remains in alignment with program goals and objectives as project development proceeds. The San Jose/Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility (RWF) is currently facilitating the delivery of multiple, concurrent Progressive Design-Build (PDB) projects within tight time and budget constraints by restructuring the PDM to meet the demands of a PDB delivery model. The PDB delivery model reflects the advantages of DB, i.e. assigning single point of responsibility, with a qualifications-driven procurement process. A PDB delivery model ensures that the design is developed collaboratively by the Owner and the DB-Entity in a step-by-step progression until a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) is reached. The Owner has access to the DB-Entity's cost model and can make real-time scope changes as the design develops to ensure that project objectives are satisfied prior to establishing the GMP. The PDB delivery model can require the Owner to be heavily involved in scoping, sequencing, prioritization, cost model review, decision making, resource optimization and performance monitoring. On a program with multiple PDB projects, a PDM ensures consistency of approach across project teams, and clearly defines roles, responsibilities and deliverables required at each project stage. Reconfiguring the original PDM framework to align with a PDB delivery model is a unique way to streamline project progression, introduce transparency into the DB-Entity's pricing methods, establish quality control checkpoints, and provide an effective way to ensure a project meets overall program goals and objectives.
机译:业主考虑采用公共项目设计-建造(DB)项目的协作项目交付方法的主要挑战是,由于对性能标准和建筑质量的日益重视以及对获得竞争优势的重视程度降低,因此无法控制成本价钱。减轻这种感觉的一种方法是为替代交付项目建立特定于项目的项目交付模型(PDM),以便为客户提供有效评估和调节成本的框架,而又不牺牲性能和质量。对PDB项目使用量身定制的PDM还可以使所有者使用阶段门治理方法,以确保在项目开发过程中项目与计划目标保持一致。 San Jose / Santa Clara地区废水处理厂(RWF)目前正在通过重组PDM以满足PDB交付模型的需求,在紧迫的时间和预算约束下,促进多个并行的渐进式设计建造(PDB)项目的交付。 PDB交付模型反映了DB的优势,即通过资格驱动的采购流程分配单点责任。 PDB交付模型可确保所有者和数据库实体以逐步的方式协同开发设计,直到达到保证的最高价格(GMP)。所有者可以访问数据库实体的成本模型,并且可以在设计开发过程中进行实时范围更改,以确保在建立GMP之前满足项目目标。 PDB交付模型可能要求所有者大量参与范围界定,排序,优先级划分,成本模型审查,决策,资源优化和性能监控。在具有多个PDB项目的程序中,PDM可确保各个项目团队之间方法的一致性,并明确定义每个项目阶段所需的角色,职责和可交付成果。重新配置原始PDM框架以使其与PDB交付模型保持一致是一种独特的方法,可以简化项目进度,在DB-Entity的定价方法中引入透明度,建立质量控制检查点,并提供一种有效的方法来确保项目满足总体计划目标并目标。



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