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Asymptotic Limits of Privacy in Bayesian Time Series Matching




Various modern and highly popular applications make use of user data traces in order to offer specific services, often for the purpose of improving the user's experience while using such applications. However, even when user data is privatized by employing privacy-preserving mechanisms (PPM), users' privacy may still be compromised by an external party who leverages statistical matching methods to match users' traces with their previous activities. In this paper, we obtain the theoretical bounds on user privacy for situations in which user traces are matchable to sequences of prior behavior, despite anonymization of data time series. We provide both achievability and converse results for the case where the data trace of each user consists of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random samples drawn from a multinomial distribution, as well as the case that the users' data points are dependent over time and the data trace of each user is governed by a Markov chain model.



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