首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks >Discriminative Feature Learning Using Two-Stage Training Strategy for Facial Expression Recognition

Discriminative Feature Learning Using Two-Stage Training Strategy for Facial Expression Recognition




Although deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved the state-of-the-arts for facial expression recognition (FER), FER is still challenging due to two aspects: class imbalance and hard expression examples. However, most existing FER methods recognize facial expression images by training the CNN models with cross-entropy (CE) loss in a single stage, which have limited capability to deal with these problems because each expression example is assigned equal weight of loss. Inspired by the recently proposed focal loss which reduces the relative loss for those well-classified expression examples and pay more attention to those misclassified ones, we can mitigate these problems by introducing the focal loss into the existing FER system when facing imbalanced data or hard expression examples. Considering that the focal loss allows the network to further extract discriminative features based on the learned feature-separating capability, we present a two-stage training strategy utilizing CE loss in the first stage and focal loss in the second stage to boost the FER performance. Extensive experiments have been conducted on two well-known FER datasets called CK+ and Oulu-CASIA. We gain improvements compared with the common one-stage training strategy and achieve the state-of-the-art results on the datasets in terms of average classification accuracy, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed two-stage training strategy.
机译:尽管深度卷积神经网络(CNN)已实现了面部表情识别(FER)的最新技术,但是FER由于两个方面而仍然具有挑战性:类不平衡和硬表达示例。但是,大多数现有的FER方法通过在单个阶段中训练带有交叉熵(CE)损失的CNN模型来识别面部表情图像,由于每个表情示例被分配了相等的权重损失,因此处理这些问题的能力有限。受最近提出的聚焦损失的启发,该损失减少了那些分类良好的表达示例的相对损失,并更加关注那些分类错误的示例,我们可以通过在面对数据不平衡或硬表达时将聚焦损失引入现有的FER系统中来缓解这些问题例子。考虑到焦点损失使网络能够根据学习到的特征分离能力进一步提取歧视性特征,我们提出了一种两阶段的训练策略,利用第一阶段的CE损失和第二阶段的焦点损失来提高FER性能。已经对两个著名的FER数据集CK +和Oulu-CASIA进行了广泛的实验。与常规的一阶段训练策略相比,我们获得了改进,并且在数据集上的平均分类准确性方面达到了最新的水平,这证明了我们提出的两阶段训练策略的有效性。



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