首页> 外文会议>Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society >Hybrid neonatal EEG seizure detection algorithms achieve the benchmark of visual interpretation of the human expert*

Hybrid neonatal EEG seizure detection algorithms achieve the benchmark of visual interpretation of the human expert*

机译:混合新生儿脑电图癫痫发作检测算法达到人类专家视觉解释的基准 *



Neonatal EEG seizure detection algorithms (NSDAs) have an upper bound of performance related to the agreement between visual interpretation of human experts. No published algorithms have reported performance that has reached this upper bound. In this paper, we combined two recently developed NSDAs in order to improve detection performance. An outlier detection stage was also added to improve robustness in the presence of unseen data. A large database of EEG from 79 term infants labeled by three independent human experts was used to develop and test the sufficiency of the hybrid NSDA. The inter-observer agreement (IOA) between experts was high (κ = 0.757, 95%CI: 0.665-0.836, n=79). The area under the receiver operator characteristic of the NSDA compared to the consensus annotation of the human experts was 0.952 (95%CI: 0.0927-0.971). The IOA of seizure detection between the NSDA and human experts was not significantly less than the IOA among human experts (∆κ = 0.022, 95%CI: −0.20 to 0.072) and was further improved by increasing the minimum seizure duration from 10s to 30s (∆κ = −0.002, 95%CI: −0.073 to 0.055). Automated methods of neonatal EEG seizure detection have sufficient accuracy to replace human interpretation, potentially, providing reliable interpretations for clinicians in the neonatal intensive care unit.
机译:新生儿脑电图癫痫发作检测算法(NSDAs)的性能上限与人类专家的视觉解释之间的协议有关。没有公开的算法报告过达到此上限的性能。在本文中,我们结合了两个最新开发的NSDA,以提高检测性能。还添加了异常值检测阶段,以在存在看不见的数据的情况下提高鲁棒性。一个由三名独立人类专家标记的来自79个足月婴儿的EEG大型数据库用于开发和测试杂交NSDA的充足性。专家之间的观察者间共识(IOA)高(κ= 0.757,95%CI:0.665-0.836,n = 79)。与人类专家的共识注释相比,NSDA的接收者操作员特征下的面积为0.952(95%CI:0.0927-0.971)。 NSDA和人类专家之间的癫痫发作检测IOA并不明显低于人类专家之间的IOA(∆κ = 0.022,95%CI:-0.20至0.072),并且通过将最小发作持续时间从10s增加到30s而得到进一步改善(Δκ= −0.002,95%CI:−0.073至0.055)。自动化的新生儿脑电图癫痫发作检测方法具有足够的准确性来代替人类的解释,有可能为新生儿重症监护室的临床医生提供可靠的解释。



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