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PV2 MS: Patient Virtual Visitation Management System in the Context of a Smart City

机译:PV 2 MS:智能城市背景下的患者虚拟就诊管理系统



The popularity of urban lifestyle, the “Smart City” (SC) concept seems to be the only sustainable solution. SC is a logical compromise between quality-of-life and green environment. While one cannot find a universal definition, we propose a somewhat new architecture for SC in the form of entities laying over each other and delivering services from bottom up. In this work, we focus on the Smart Service entity and introduce a service which circumvents distance and time limitations targeting one-to-one and in-person visitations. This service is in line with the quality-of-life and green environment compromise. As a specific case, we focus on visitations for hospitalized patients.
机译:城市生活方式的普及,“智慧城市”(SC)概念似乎是唯一的可持续解决方案。 SC是生活质量和绿色环境之间的合乎逻辑的折衷方案。虽然找不到统一的定义,但我们为SC提出了一种新的体系结构,即实体相互重叠,并自下而上地提供服务。在这项工作中,我们将重点放在智能服务实体上,并介绍一种服务,该服务针对一对一和面对面的访问来规避距离和时间限制。该服务符合生活质量和绿色环境的要求。作为一个具体案例,我们专注于住院患者的探视。



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