首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies >Evolutionary-based Hyperparameter Tuning in Machine Learning Models for Condition Monitoring in Wind Turbines – A Survey

Evolutionary-based Hyperparameter Tuning in Machine Learning Models for Condition Monitoring in Wind Turbines – A Survey

机译:风力涡轮机环境监测机器学习模型中的进化基于普通参数调整 - 调查



Optimality of model hyperparameters is essential for intelligent condition monitoring (ICM) of wind turbines using machine learning models, hence the need for hyperparameter tuning. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been used for hyperparameter tuning of machine learning models, however, little is known about the hyperparameter tuning of these EAs. This study presents a survey of hyperparameter tuning of EAs used for tuning hyperparameters of machine learning models that are used in ICM of wind turbines. Findings show that many studies tune hyperparameters for machine learning models, however, a few studies tune these hyperparameters with EAs. Among these few, a handful tune the hyperparameters of such EAs and such studies in ICM of wind turbines is very sparse. Hence the need to explore this double stage hyperparameter (DSHP) tuning in ICM of wind turbines.
机译:模型超参数的最优性对于使用机器学习模型的风力涡轮机的智能状态监测(ICM)至关重要,因此需要对HyperParameter调整的需求。 进化算法(EAS)已被用于机器学习模型的超参数调整,然而,关于这些EA的超参数调谐知之甚少。 本研究介绍了用于调整在风力涡轮机ICM中使用的机器学习模型的超级公路调整的高级参数调整。 调查结果表明,许多研究调整机器学习模型的超级参数,但是,一些研究调整了这些超参数的eas。 在这几个中,少数少数调整这种EA的超级参数和ICM的风力涡轮机的研究非常稀疏。 因此,需要探索在风力涡轮机ICM中的这种双级超参数(DSHP)调整。



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