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Computational Detection of Cervical Uterine Cancer




The aim of this work is to provide a computational method of calculation of parameters to analyze the exfoliative cytology of the cervix or Papanicolaou (PAP). The parameters calculated are those currently used to diagnose cervical uterine cancer, checked by a cytologist through visual examination of a PAP sample, under a microscope. The aim is to determine the risk of cancer, based on the calculation of parameters of the cell nucleus of the sample, such as its size and shape. It is suggested that a low-cost automated system implements a 4-stage process: (1)to obtain a digital image as from a cytological sample; (2)preprocessing it, implementing mathematical operations; (3)to apply an edge detection algorithm to segment the image, separating and identifying the cells from the rest of the sample; (4)to identify a cell nuclei, classify and measure it, to determine whether it corresponds to a healthy or sick nuclei. This process made possible to detect and measure the nucleus of a sample with an efficiency level of more than 96%. This validates the possibility of automating the process of anomaly detection to prevent the cervical cancer, given that it involves great benefits for the patient.
机译:这项工作的目的是提供一种计算参数的计算方法,以分析子宫颈或Papanicolaou(PAP)的脱落细胞学。计算的参数是细胞学家在显微镜下通过目视检查PAP样品检查的当前用于诊断子宫颈子宫的参数。目的是根据样本细胞核的参数(例如大小和形状)的计算来确定癌症的风险。建议一个低成本的自动化系统执行一个四个阶段的过程:(1)从细胞学样本中获得数字图像; (2)对其进行预处理,进行数学运算; (3)应用边缘检测算法对图像进行分割,从其余样本中分离并识别出细胞; (4)鉴定细胞核,对其进行分类和测量,以确定其是否与健康或生病的细胞核相对应。此过程使检测和测量样品核的效率水平超过96%成为可能。鉴于异常检查对患者有很大好处,因此可以验证自动进行异常检测以预防子宫颈癌的可能性。



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