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Classification of ancient inscription images on the basis of material of the inscriptions




Machine Learning and AI has allowed us to process images and help us solve vital problems. In this paper, we are classifying inscription images into three image inscription classes namely stone inscriptions, metal inscriptions and palm leaves inscriptions. Due to decaying materials of ancient inscriptions, the classification of such materials becomes challenging. To address this problem, we are using various feature extraction methods like GLCM, KAZE, BRISK to implement texture based feature detection and subsequently classifying them. Both linear and non-linear methods for feature extraction are being used. The paper is concluded by performing classification of images and also making comparisons between all the feature extraction methods in terms of memory required by the algorithm, time scalability and accuracy score of the method. The paper consists of rich information which would be useful in decision making in classification problems.
机译:机器学习和AI允许我们处理图像并帮助我们解决重要问题。 在本文中,我们将题字图像分为三个图像铭文类即石铭文,金属铭文和棕榈叶铭文。 由于古代铭文的腐烂材料,这些材料的分类变得具有挑战性。 为了解决这个问题,我们正在使用GLCM,Kaze,Sribisk等各种特征提取方法来实现基于纹理的特征检测并随后对它们进行分类。 正在使用用于特征提取的线性和非线性方法。 本文通过执行图像的分类以及在算法所需的存储器方面进行所有特征提取方法之间的比较来结束,并且在该方法的时间可伸缩性和准确度分数方面进行比较。 本文包括丰富的信息,可用于分类问题的决策。



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