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Engineering Ingenuity: Garden Design in Desert Climates




The vast Sonoran Desert is near the city of San Diego, the location of the Conference & Expo. This paper discusses how the normal conditions of the desert can be models for extreme and changing conditions for garden design in areas with low rainfall and periodic water shortages. It examines the survival techniques of wildlife that have ingeniously engineered methods to thrive in environments that appear to be especially hostile to human habitation and land cultivation. Given continuing development and the impacts of climate change, people in many places find that their customary weather patterns, rainfall, and planting zones no longer provide the expected results in the garden. Different approaches to planting design and building materials have been shown to reduce operational costs, and provide more sustainable landscapes. Based on years of research on desert garden design and following the recent publication of a book on this topic featuring the award-winning projects of Steve Martino in the Sonoran Desert, Dr. Yglesias presents practical information about desert plants, pollinators, soils, land forms, and water conservation techniques. This paper concludes with recommendations about better design practices that respect and nurture native habitats, and the people who live there.
机译:广阔的索诺兰沙漠(Sonoran Desert)靠近圣地亚哥市,也是会议与博览会的所在地。本文讨论了沙漠的正常条件如何成为极端降雨和不断变化的条件的模型,这些条件是降雨少和周期性缺水地区的花园设计。它检查了野生生物的生存技术,这些技术具有经过精心设计的方法,可以在似乎特别不利于人类居住和土地耕种的环境中壮成长。考虑到持续的发展和气候变化的影响,许多地方的人们发现他们惯常的天气模式,降雨和种植区不再在花园中提供预期的效果。种植设计和建筑材料的不同方法已被证明可以降低运营成本,并提供更可持续的景观。基于对沙漠花园设计的多年研究,并在最近出版了有关该主题的一本书,其中介绍了史蒂夫·马蒂诺在索诺兰沙漠中屡获殊荣的项目之后,伊格莱西亚斯(Yglesias)博士介绍了有关沙漠植物,传粉媒介,土壤,土地形态的实用信息,以及节水技术。本文最后提出了有关尊重和培育本地栖息地以及居住在那里的人们的更好的设计实践的建议。



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