首页> 外文会议>International congress on exposition noise control engineering >Acoustically conserving the worship heritage of nossa senhora de penha de franca church, goa

Acoustically conserving the worship heritage of nossa senhora de penha de franca church, goa




This study presents a method of acoustically capturing the worship heritage of Nossa Senhora de Penha de Franca church, using objective acoustical parameters and derived acoustical parameters called 'acoustical worship impressions' of Sacred Factor (SaF), Intelligibility Factor (InF) and Silence Factor (SiF). The Subjective Perceptions were recorded in the church at a Concert of Ketevan World Sacred Music Festival with Viola da Gamba, Irish Harp and Flute. Multi-regressions of acoustical worship impressions on perception of Reverberance, Intimacy, Envelopment, Loudness, Clarity, Directionality, Balance, Noise and Echo (for each musical instrument) generated some significant results. Music rendered by Viola da Gamba was found favouring SaF (R~2 = 0.88, p value < 0.0001). Music rendered by Harp also favoured SaF (R~2 = 0.81, p value = 0.02). Music rendered by an ensemble of Viola da Gamba, Harp and Flute favoured InF (R~2 = 0.74, p value = 0.01). A significant relationship between Acoustical Worship Impressions and Objective Acoustical parameters is the negative correlation between SaF and EDT for ensemble (R = -0.82, p value = 0.05). The acoustically characterized worship experience thus works as a reference tool for future conservative interventions.
机译:这项研究提出了一种方法,使用客观声学参数和派生的声学参数,即神圣因子(SaF),可理解性因子(InF)和沉默因子( SiF)。主观感知是在教堂举行的Ketevan世界神圣音乐节音乐会上与Viola da Gamba,Irish Harp和Flute一起录制的。听觉崇拜印象在混响,亲密感,包络,响度,清晰度,方向性,平衡,噪音和回声(针对每种乐器)的感知上的多元回归产生了一些显着的结果。发现Viola da Gamba渲染的音乐偏爱SaF(R〜2 = 0.88,p值<0.0001)。 Harp渲染的音乐也偏爱SaF(R〜2 = 0.81,p值= 0.02)。由Viola da Gamba,Harp和Flute合奏的音乐偏爱InF(R〜2 = 0.74,p值= 0.01)。声学崇拜印象与客观声学参数之间的显着关系是SaF与EDT的整体负相关(R = -0.82,p值= 0.05)。因此,具有声学特征的敬拜经验可作为未来保守干预的参考工具。



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