首页> 外文会议>International specialty conference on cold-formed steel structures >Web Crippling Behaviour of Cold-Formed Ferritic Stainless Steel Unlipped Channels Under Interior-One-Flange and End-One-Flange Loadings

Web Crippling Behaviour of Cold-Formed Ferritic Stainless Steel Unlipped Channels Under Interior-One-Flange and End-One-Flange Loadings




The web crippling strength of cold-formed ferritic stainless steel unlipped channels subject to interior-one-flange and end-one-flange loading is considered in this paper. A total of 144 results are presented, comprising 36 laboratory and 108 numerical results. These results cover the cases of both flanges restrained and unrestrained to the load and reaction plates. Unlike other work in the literature, the numerical analysis in this paper uses nonlinear quasi-static finite element analysis with an implicit integration scheme, which has advantages over static and quasi-static with an explicit integration scheme analyses, particularly for post buckling predictions of unlipped channels subject to web crippling. The laboratory and numerical investigations show current stainless steel design guidance to be too conservative. In terms of design standards, while no cold-formed stainless steel standard distinguishes between flanges restrained and unrestrained to the load and reaction plates, with each standard providing only one equation to cover both restrained and unrestrained, the web crippling strengths for the flanges unrestrained case were found to be higher than those predicted from SEI/ASCE-8 by as much as 24%. Also, the web crippling strengths for the flanges restrained case are shown to be higher than those predicted from equations found in the literature by as much as 48%. New web crippling design equations are proposed; the proposed equations are shown to be reliable when compared against laboratory and numerical results.
机译:本文考虑了冷成型铁素体不锈钢非唇形通道在内部一凸缘和端一凸缘的作用下的腹板抗折强度。总共提出144个结果,包括36个实验室结果和108个数值结果。这些结果涵盖了两个法兰均受约束且不受约束的情况,对载荷板和反作用板都有影响。与文献中的其他工作不同,本文的数值分析使用带有隐式积分方案的非线性拟静态有限元分析,它与采用显式积分方案分析的静态和拟静态方法相比具有优势,特别是对于无唇的屈曲后预测易受网络困扰的渠道。实验室和数值研究表明,当前的不锈钢设计指南过于保守。就设计标准而言,虽然没有冷弯不锈钢标准区分对载荷和反作用板受约束和不受约束的法兰,每种标准仅提供了一个方程式来涵盖受约束和不受约束的法兰,但无约束法兰的腹板抗折强度被发现比SEI / ASCE-8的预测高出24%。同样,显示了法兰约束情况下的腹板抗折强度比根据文献中的方程式预测的抗折强度高出48%。提出了新的卷筒纸折纸设计方程式;与实验室和数值结果相比,所提出的方程式是可靠的。



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