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SSUKey: A CPU-Based Solution Protecting Private Keys on Untrusted OS




With more and more websites adopt private keys to authenticate users or sign digital payments in e-commerce, various solutions have been proposed to secure private keys - some of them employ extra specific hardware devices while most of them adopt security features provided by general OS. However, users are reluctant to extra devices and general OS is too complicated to protect itself, let alone the private keys on it. This paper proposes a software solution, SSUKey, adopting CPU security features to protect private keys against the vulnerabilities of OS. Firstly, threshold cryptography (TC) is employed to partition the private key into two shares and two Intel SGX enclaves on local client and remote server are used to secure the key shares respectively. Secondly, the two enclaves are carefully designed and configured to mitigate the vulnerabilities of Intel SGX, including side channel and rollback. Thirdly, an overall central private key management is designed to help users globally monitor the usage of private keys and detect abnormal behaviors. Finally, we implement SSUKey as a cryptography provider, apply it to file encryption and Transport Layer Security (TLS) download, and evaluate their performance. The experiment results show that the performance decline due to SSUKey is acceptable.
机译:随着越来越多的网站采用私钥对用户进行身份验证或在电子商务中签署数字支付,已经提出了各种解决方案来保护私钥的安全-有些解决方案采用了额外的特定硬件设备,而大多数采用了通用操作系统提供的安全功能。但是,用户不愿意使用额外的设备,并且通用操作系统过于复杂而无法保护自身,更不用说其上的私钥了。本文提出了一种软件解决方案SSUKey,它采用CPU安全功能来保护私钥免受OS漏洞的侵害。首先,采用阈值加密(TC)将私钥划分为两个共享,并使用本地客户端和远程服务器上的两个Intel SGX安全区分别保护密钥共享。其次,精心设计和配置了两个安全区,以减轻Intel SGX的漏洞,包括边通道和回滚。第三,总体中央专用密钥管理旨在帮助用户全局监视专用密钥的使用并检测异常行为。最后,我们将SSUKey实施为加密提供程序,将其应用于文件加密和传输层安全性(TLS)下载,并评估其性能。实验结果表明,由于SSUKey而导致的性能下降是可以接受的。



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