
The Status of Magnesium Injection Molding in China




Thixomolding, or magnesium injection molding as it is more generally known, is an established semi-solid casting process for producing thin-walled near net shape components from magnesium alloys. Magnesium injection molding produces components using a machine similar to a plastic injection molder, where magnesium-alloy chips are fed into the back end, and a rotating screw feeds the chips forward as they are heated to the semi-solid temperature range. The semisolid alloy collects in a nozzle at the front of the screw, where it is then injected into a re-usable steel die. This paper will initially describe the commercial status of magnesium injection molding in China, and will review several types of components being produced commercially. Comparisons to conventional hot chamber magnesium die casting will be made, and a new magnesium injection molding machine design that incorporates an intensifier will be introduced. In addition, new technology trends utilizing the magnesium injection molding process will be described. One such application involves the magnesium injection molding of Mg-Li alloys. Lithium has the lowest density of all metals, and so the addition of lithium further reduces the density of the magnesium.



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