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A Cooling Method Based on Thermoelectric Effect-Peltier Cooling System

机译:一种基于热电效应 - 珀耳帖冷却系统的冷却方法



Energy consumption throughout the world has been increasing in recent years and is a major concern due to its effect on climate change. According to NASA, climate change has led to stronger hurricanes, more droughts and heat waves, sea level rise, and a prediction that the arctic will be ice-free by mid-century. One of the most notable energy consumption methods, which negatively affect the climate, is the heating and cooling of buildings. As a result, minimizing the need for energy use in buildings for heating and cooling application is a widely explored field of research. While energy efficiency has drastically improved in recent years, the use of harmful refrigerants, such as R-410a, has already taken a huge toll on the environment. This presented a need for the cooling and heating of buildings without the use of harmful refrigerants. An alternative method of refrigeration is the use of Thermoelectric Modules (TEMs) due to their nature of having no mechanical moving parts, being highly reliable, compact in size, light in weight, requiring no working fluid, and most importantly: require no use of refrigerants. Our project aims to design and create a fully functioning system which uses TEMs as an alternative for cooling and heating of common spaces.



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